The Interfaith Service took place at St Ignatius Church in conjunction with the Manresa Gallery exhibition – Under Cover: Liturgical Garb as Investment in Mystery. The gallery exhibition was comprised of liturgical vestments from various faith traditions. This inspired a community program that brought each represented faith leader and their followers together for a shared service. The hope was to experience a common vision and to acknowledge our diverse strategies for shaping the future of our planet. The spiritual leaders each promoted mutual respect and support for each other. As seen in the vestment exhibition, there are many similarities among the major religious groups. Education about individual histories and rituals promotes respect and tolerance.
Service participants included: Rita Semel (Founder of the San Francisco Interfaith Council), Rabbi Lawrence Raphael(Congregation Sherith Israel), Shundo David Haye (San Francisco Zen Center), Sr. Sukyana Belsare (San Francisco Brahma Kumaris), Julia Dowd (Director of USF Ministry), Swami Vedananda (Vedanta Society of Northern California), GL Hodge (Providence Baptist Church and Board Member of the San Francisco Interfaith Council) and Shaykh Suleyman Schwartz (Executive Director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism), Father Gregory R. Bonfiglio S.J. (Pastor of Saint Ignatuis Parish), and Father James Blaettler, S.J. (Manresa Gallery Director).